Tired woman from office to go home after vacation
Boarded the bus. She sat on the seat and closed her eyes and tried to relax a little.
The bus had just left when a gentleman sitting in the front row took out his mobile phone and started talking loudly.
His conversation was something like this: "John, I'm talking Ghafoor, I'm sitting in the bus and I'm coming home."
Yes, yes, I know it's seven o'clock, not five, just because there was a lot of work in the office, that's why I'm late.
"No John, I was not with Shabnam, I was in a meeting with the boss."
"No, John, you are the only one in my life."
Yes, of course.
The woman's entire relaxation program had been ruined by this loud conversation and she was now feeling very uncomfortable. After a long time, when this continued, the woman's courage answered, she got up and called. Go to and speak loudly.
"Ghafur darling, hang up the phone, it's enough." How many cleanings will you give to this crazy woman? "
Now Ghafoor has returned from the hospital, but he has completely stopped using mobile phones in public places.
Therefore, talk on mobile in any public place in a slow manner, because your words will either disturb someone or else you will unknowingly expose your domestic and private matters to the world and make yourself laugh.
